Red, White, and Blue Dessert

Friends, I had planned on making either pound cake or sponge cake today as a base for my red, white, and blue dessert, but it is 95 degrees outside. I cannot bring myself to turn on the oven.

Instead, I am going to bring you the simplest Memorial Day dessert that I can so you can spend your day with your loved ones celebrating the memory of those who have lost their lives to keep our country free. Today I am bringing you fruit and whipped cream! I know, totally original. If you have time to bake or grab a white cake from the store, do it! Or you can make shortcake which is totally lovely. But on a hot day like today, cold fruit with whipped cream takes the cake (out of the equation!).

Choose your favorite red and blue fruits. I am going with strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries because they looked good at the store and pair well with whipped cream. You could use cherries, blueberries, olallieberries, marionberries, red grapes… what other red or blue fruits are there? Tomatoes (yuck!) - technically a fruit. Plums! Use what looks best to you. I would add watermelon, but I don’t think that would be very good with whipped cream. What do you think?

Rinse and dry your fruit. If it is a large fruit, cut it up however you like. Arrange fruit in a small dish and add some whipped cream on top. Today I’m using canned whipped cream because I happen to have some on hand. If I was preparing this for other people I would probably whip my own cream. Top with some red, white, and blue sprinkles if you so desire! Enjoy! And especially enjoy how very little time this dessert takes.

Hugs to all those remembering their loved ones today!


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