Folding like Marie Kondo

Two kids in the house equals more of everything! More laundry, more toys, more mess. Mess equals stress. So less of everything should equal less stress, right? (I feel like I’m back in high school geometry doing proofs!) A while back I read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. In case you haven’t read the book or watched the series, the premise is that you go through all your things in a specific order and only keep the things that give you joy. While I didn’t do this to my entire house (like I really need to) I decided to test it out on my daughter.

Together, Isla and I went through all her clothes. I let her get rid of the things she didn’t like or wouldn’t wear (with a few exceptions - she is four after all). After that we worked on folding everything in the packet style and standing them up in the drawers. Previously we had stacked everything in her drawers. The new method was awesome! At last she could see all of her clothes at a glance. It made choosing the next day’s outfit so much easier!

As she outgrows one size and moves into the next we have chosen to have fewer items. It simplifies things even more. Talk about less decision fatigue!

I have applied this to my son’s drawers as well which makes it easier for me to see everything. I do it for the clothes my husband has in drawers, but he is the most frustrating because he takes things out and doesn’t fold them back in the same way. He just shoves them in the drawer. I, on the other hand, have zero drawers to put my own clothes in, so until I can convince my husband to let me have our closets redone I will be slogging through the old ways!

Have you cleaned out your closets recently? What did you find worked well for you? Did it make your life less stressful?

Until next time, hugs and folding!


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