Peanut Butter Brookies


I’ve been binge watching The Great British Baking Show! It is awesome and inspiring. In one episode the contestants were challenged to create a unique tray bake. Now, in my world a tray bake involves vegetables and protein tossed in olive oil and spices and baked in the oven at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. But apparently in Britain it’s essentially brownies or something similar.

I was kind of shocked that no one made what I call brookies. It’s a simple idea that can be made any number of ways. The basic idea is to make brownie batter and then top it with cookie dough and bake. I’ve had success with chocolate chip brookies… In fact I discovered this idea because of the recipe on the back of the brownie box.

This week I tried a variation: peanut butter brookies. I used my favorite brownie mix - Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Premium Brownie Mix, and my very own peanut butter cookie dough recipe.


Prepare each recipe according to the directions. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees, and lightly grease a 9x13 pan with butter or oil. Spread the brownie batter in the bottom of the pan. If you are using my peanut butter cookie recipe divide it in two. Using one half plop bits of cookie dough on top of the brownie batter covering most of it. Use the other half of the dough to make cookies… or eat it. I won’t judge. That’s what I did!


Stick your pan in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until the cookie dough is just starting to turn golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean-ish. A couple of crumbs are okay. Let them cool a little bit or you’ll have a gooey brownie mess when you try to cut them. Enjoy!


What variations sound good to you? I’m thinking there has to be a yummy peppermint version or maybe an oatmeal breakfast brookie?

I’m also on the hunt for a really good from scratch brownie recipe… I’ve never had much success with homemade brownies. So if you have a recipe for me to try please let me know in the comments!

Until next time… Hugs and chocolate!

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