The lazy way to dry herbs
It’s nearing the end of summer garden season and many of you, like me, are letting your garden die out. But, this year my husband unknowingly mowed down my oregano at the beginning of the summer, and it came back with a vengeance! So in an effort to keep it trimmed back and save some for later I decided to dry some.
There are a couple of ways to do this. If you want to be fancy you can dry it in the oven at 200 degrees for however long, or if you want to get really fancy you can use a dehydrator. I chose to do it the lazy (and energy efficient) way…. put it in a vase on the counter, look at it everyday for a few days, and then forget about it for two weeks.
Pretty simple! Let it dry out and then crush the leaves off. Store it in a cute little jar and use it when making spaghetti sauce or enchilada sauce. So good… and you know where it came from!
Day One
Still fresh… I once made the mistake of putting water in the jar to keep the oregano fresh. Don’t do that! It just makes everything soggy.
Day Two
Already starting to dry.
Day Three
Beginning to look crunchy!
Day Twenty
Definitely dry by day twenty. Time to crunch up the dried stuff!
Like I said, pretty simple. And so much better than store bought!
Here are a few links to things you might want:
Ball Mason Jars (#Ad) - Good luck finding these right now! Everyone is canning and supplies are in high demand.
Spice Jars (#Ad)
Spice Jar Labels (#Ad)
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